My Favourite Quotes: Helping Me Through Life

Sometimes, a series of words capture you. They open your eyes, your mind, and the world around you. These words then stay with you forever and at the right times, you retrieve them from the back of your mind to refresh them. Quotes can really change your life; it has for me. It's incredible how a stranger's words can create such a large impact on another stranger! These quotes have changed my life and helped me in pleasant and not so pleasant times:

1. "Let your faith be stronger than your fears." (- Unknown)
I found this quote on a tumblr post and it instantly grabbed me. It's your choice as to what you put your faith in, but this quote is something I repeatedly repeat to myself in those oh so beautifully terrifying and stress inducing moments (hint, hint, sarcasm). 100% faith means 0% fear and I can't believe how long it took me to realize this and I'm glad that I got shoved by such a beautiful and influential quote.

2. "Paris is a state of mind." (- Unknown)
Or even more beautifully, "Paris est un état d'esprit." If you've noticed, I've smacked this quote almost everywhere because it relates to me so much! Anyone who knows me well enough knows that I am greatly influenced by French and Parisienne related things. I don't live in Paris, so you could say that I'm proof that you don't need to live in Paris to feel like you are; it surely is a state of mind! But really, anything is a state of mind as long as you open up some space in your head for it!

3. "Everyone has two lives. The first one starts when you realize you only have one." (- Tom Hiddleston)
This is extremely special to me. I actually only recently discovered the secret truth to living this world and life in general: it's all about living life to the fullest and filtering out any unnecessary and trivial stressors by not wasting your time on them. Life is all about embracing; it's the largest asset we have, so we need to appreciate it; all this I realized in some sort of epiphany moment. I believe I'm living my second life now and ever since this realization, my entire world has changed for the better.

4. "When it all seems to be falling apart, they may actually be falling into place." (- Unknown)
This relates back to what you believe in. This world may involve entropy, but that doesn't mean that nothing is organized or exists for a reason. 

5. "Always remember that your present situation is not your final destination. The best is yet to come."  
(- Unknown)
You won't believe how much this has helped me. It's all a part of understanding that everything is for a reason and that the hard road is necessary to arrive to your destination. It's all a part of the course and path you take and if the road is still bumpy, that means you're not there yet.

These quotes - among many others - actually play a huge role in my life and has helped my mindset in life in general. Have any of these resonated with you? What are your favourites quotes? Leave a comment below!


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