The Chic Effect

how to look chic
Often, the chic look parallels itself with the expensive look. It's interesting how an outfit can look expensive without knowing the brand or cost of any of the pieces. Having said that, you don't need to break the bank in order to look chic. I've had countless encounters where people would ask me where I got my clothes, and when I answered with "Forever 21", they would be taken aback. Because really, to achieve the "chic effect", it's all about style, which is never limited by the price tag of your clothes. Being chic also isn't limited to your sense of style; you can still translate your own personal style, whether it be casual or classy, to look more chic. In other words, it is attainable regardless of any other factors. Whatever your personal preferences are, you can always inject that extra element that can transform your look into a more put together and "expensive" looking style. So, here are my tips that I follow to achieve the "chic effect".

The Shoes
shoes heels flats valentino rockstud pointed shoes
Shoes definitely have the power to make or break an outfit; they can completely transform the quality of an ensemble and can even dictate a look's overall "vibe". Therefore, shoes can play a big part in achieving that coveted chic effect. I find that shoes with a pointed tip adds an element of sophistication, whether it be on flats, heels, or even sneakers which can be easily incorporated into your outfit.  They are staples in my wardrobe and can easily transform an entire outfit.
Shoes: Forever21

The Jacket
jackets moto bomber leather
Again, another piece that's so easy, yet so impactful. Just throw it over a jeans-and-tee combo, and voila! You have the ultimate effortless put-together look. The jacket can be in any form: a luxe-looking bomber, moot-jacket, blazer (a staple!), or leather jacket (must-have)!  You can still keep it to your personal style by selecting your preferred colour or fabric. Regardless, adding a jacket adds a certain "je ne sais quoi" that adds an element of sophistication and chicness.
Leather Jacket: Danier | Pink Moto: Suzy Shier

leather handbags cross body toteThe Handbag
Oh, the handbag! Probably one of my favourite accessory pieces. I find that handbags are definitely one of those worthwhile investment pieces that you can have in your wardrobe. Personally, I prefer to splurge a little when it comes to acquiring a good quality handbag which can be difficult to find with a highstreet brand. However, it is possible. The handbag can be a tasteful statement bag or a simple yet robust and structured bag; it can a cross body, tote, or chic rucksack; it can be suede, leather, or skin (faux please!). The key element though, when it comes to handbags, is that it should at least look expensive, because a bad quality handbag (which can also apply to designers! ahem... Michael Kors...) can drastically spoil an entire outfit.
Bags: Danier

glasses designer wayfarers gucci firm tortoiseshell

The Glasses
Another accessories item, I'm sure many of us can understand and appreciate the power of glasses. So many iconic celebrities carry their signature glasses with them to the grave (not literally of course!) such as Audrey Hepburn's tortoise shell cat-eyes and Marilyn Monroe's wayfarers. Sunglasses and even eyeglasses, I feel, have a very easy power to take control of an outfit. Opting for a more classic type such as the aforementioned styles, can be a classy focal point to any outfit, and can instantly make you look chic, regardless of what clothes you're wearing. Another tip: opaque lenses definitely amp up that chic effect!
Top to Bottom: Gucci | Ray-Ban Wayfarers | Firmoo 

designer watches rosefield michael kors roots

The Watch
Jewellery, especially the universal and unisex watch, can effortlessly make your look far more expensive and chic. Again, I prefer to invest in watches, although it is very easy to find very affordable watches that look far more expensive. My own collection consists of Roots, Michael Kors, and ROSEFIELD, all of which are completely different, but equally impactful. Sometimes, wearing a simple outfit with a luxe watch on show, is all you need to look chic.

Clockwise from Top Left: ROSEFIELD | Roots | Michael Kors

        The Scent
Sometimes, it's not only about what you see, but what you smell. Finding your perfect scent is like hitting the jackpot: difficult and rare. A nice scent has an enticing quality to it which can mysteriously add quality to your style.

The Fit & The Posture
On top of all of these, the proper-fitted clothes and walking/sitting with good posture can sometimes be the determining factor that can either make or break everything you've done to achieve the chic effect. Make sure that you're clothes are well-fitted in size and length. For posture: broad shoulders, straight back, and fierce strides!

Well, this was quite a beast of a post! I do hope you enjoyed it, nonetheless. These are just my personal tips that I've picked up in my own endeavorers to achieve the chic effect. What are your tips?



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