Organization Obsession: Confessions of an Organizer-holic

How to become more organized and improve organization
Self-awareness is an important thing, right? Well, I do confess that at least at this point in my life, I would identify myself has a relatively organized person, although maybe sometimes too much thanks to my obsessive nature, but I digress. Honestly, I actually feel that I may know exactly what point in time I "officially" became organized, although all my life I was usually inclined towards neatness anyway. I feel that ever since I took more online courses in university, I became much more organized in my work, whether that be scheduling, schoolwork, or other stuff like blogging and even wardrobe and makeup organization. Maybe it's because I was more liberated to define my own schedule as I prefer to figure stuff out myself, or maybe it's because this meant that I could stay at home more, thus reducing distractions. Regardless, I can say that I am very satisfied with my organization, especially when it comes to work, which as we all know, is the most important. So, here I'd like to share with you my tips for becoming a more organized person:

1. A Calendar is Your Best Friend.
It really is. Personally, I prefer electronic calendars like the one on the iPhone and MacBook, but written planners do the same thing. I can't believe that I used to hardly write anything down for myself and honestly, because of that, I did forget many things and made everything hectic for me. Writing things down on a widespread calendar like on the MacBook is ideal for me since I can see the entire month and properly assign my work on the days ahead. Also, to-do lists are great for personal little things that we always seem to forget; this is great to jot down on your phone.

2. Look Ahead. Wayyy Ahead.
Sure, a calendar is great, but sometimes lack of proper scheduling can make a calendar useless. Whether it be for work or school, it's important to write each and every due date on your calendar so you won't be caught off guard when it's too late. So, when assigning work to do on a day, it's important to consider what you have due in 2-3 weeks time rather than what's only due in a few days.

3. Storage.
Storing things can mean different things. It can mean a highly organized and coordinated system or it can mean absolute chaos. Obviously, the former is what I'm talking about here. Has it ever occurred that you wanted to find something and you simply couldn't? Well, if you start organizing your stuff in designated places, then that wouldn't happen again. Assigning your stuff in their own folders, bins, cabinets, drawers, labels, etc. are perfect ways to organize your stuff and can also mean a tidier space!

4. Keep clean & tidy.
Basically, keep only things you need and discard what is useless. So, if you have that box full of ink-less pens or a drawer filled with scrunched up paper, that may be holding you back and even un-motivating you to work efficiently. Cleanliness and tidiness are keys to organization!

5. Stick, don't slack. 
Obviously, it goes without saying (but I'm saying it anyway) that none of these tips will remain useful if you abandon them all. Of course, staying organized and put together takes effort and sometimes, all it takes is that one time when you're in a hurry and you shove a paper in the wrong folder, and bam! disorganization ensues and before you know it, you just "don't bother" anymore. If you stick to it though, you will see the results and can make life a whole lot easier. And remember, procrastination is the mother of havoc!

I hope that these tips have been or will be useful to you! I personally have acquired these tips throughout the years and have only picked them up quite recently and have seen an extraordinary difference.

Do you have any tips of your own? Share yours in the comments below!


  1. What a great tip, I have to keep on "stick and don't slack" to keep my projects going, thank you for the tips. Would you like to follow each other on BLOGLOVIN? If you decided to follow me, please let me know so I can follow you back. xoxo

    1. Thanks Joice! Of course, sometimes sticking to it can be the hardest part.
      Thank you for the offer - I've followed you on Bloglovin' and thanks for the follow back!

  2. these tips were super helpful!! I'm not good at organizeing haha so this simplified some things for me (:

    Life in Pastel

  3. I'm an organizer-holic myself, and I can attest to all of these tips! I plan way way way ahead too. Great post! x

    Lovely Little Roses |
