The Neutral Tote
Probably the first thing that comes to mind when buying your very first handbag. A tote or medium sized handbag that you can carry over your shoulder or in the crook of your arm, is the most classic and foolproof design that you can go for. Great for everyday as well as for school or work; you can carry the bare minimums or slide in a laptop/tablet if you need to. Due to its practicality, opting for a neutral colour such as black, nude, or grey makes it the bag that you'll probably get the most use out of in terms of functionality as well as compatibility with your wardrobe, thus making it a necessity.
The Cross Body
Cross bodies are definitely my go-to. They're perfect for running errands, an evening out, or for a shopping spree at the mall. Its smaller size actually does represent another form of practicality in the sense that it carries the absolute bare necessities and that it doesn't add to any load that you're carrying since you don't need to actually hold on to the bag. Its light size adds a nice feminine touch to any outfit.
The Bold Bag
I feel that it's a must-have to own a statement/pop of colour handbag, especially if your wardrobe lacks a lot of "pizzaz". The bold bag can either be in the form of an exotic print or a pop of colour. Of course, it's up to your personal taste regarding how far you want to go. Personally, I love a good colour block such as a vivid red or a cobalt blue which surprisingly goes with a lot of my outfits. I feel that a bold bag is a necessity since a bag (or any accessory, really) has the power to completely transform an outfit, so taking advantage of that can make you look effortlessly cool and chic.
The Backpack
I'm not really one to wear a backpack, but I find it the utmost practical bag whenever I travel or need to carry my laptop. Sometimes, you simply need a bag for its functionality so it's quite necessary to have a bag that has the sole role (rhyme unintended - but appreciated!) of facilitating your load.
So, these are my recommendations for the absolute bag essentials that you need in your collection that covers all bases for your wardrobe and needs. Of course, outlining these four types of bags surely doesn't stop from having more! But, I do hope that this post has helped you out. What bag is your daily go-to?
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