My Watch Collection

watch collection michael kors rose gold rosefield roots
I absolutely adore watches. I feel that they carry the same influential factor as a nice pair of shoes or statement pair of sunglasses. I enjoy variety when it comes to watches especially, that way I can utilize each of them and get a good wear out of them which is good since I choose to invest in watches as I feel that it's usually worth it to splash a little more on a good quality watch. I have a small collection, but the reason why I've stopped at these three for now is because I feel that these fulfill any need I have as far as watches go. So, I'd like to share with you my little collection along with my reviews and recommendations:

This is probably a watch that you've seen the most of. I'll admit, I did give in to its craze a few years ago, but honestly, its appearance is truly captivating. It carries a heavy-duty androgynous feel, yet still exudes a feminine flair, which is what makes it so interesting. I really adore chunky watches and because of the rose gold colour that matches most of my jewelry, this is definitely my most worn watch. The look of it is great, however, unfortunately the quality is not. Michael Kors has been known for its quality not matching with its price; this watch contains detectable fading on the band which did appear quite early upon purchase which was very disappointing, although I still do wear this watch a lot.

This is actually my favourite. It's extremely unique due to its colour combination which I've never seen before, yet, its design is so classic which makes it very versatile. Again, I appreciate its gold hardware, and the quality is perfect. This brand has many other gorgeous colour combinations and models, and is much cheaper than the previous too!

3. Roots 
This was my very first luxury watch that I actually got about 7 years ago and it's held up absolutely well! I believe it's no longer available so I'm unable to link it, although I will include links similar to it. I wear this watch whenever I wear silver jewellery which is not too often (which is why I've just realized that the battery's stopped as you can see from the photo!). I find that this watch has a somewhat sporty vibe, yet maintains a pretty and delicate look. It really is a great watch to have in a collection especially due to the easy and workable colour combination. 
Similar: 1 / 2

What are your favourite watches? 



  1. AnonymousJuly 16, 2016

    I love your watch collection x

  2. I really adore the Michael Kors (can't help, sucker for rose gold). I also think watch is a statement piece, and personally, it gives more impact than people think it it, especially affecting how professional you look ;)

    Selene Addicted

    1. I totally agree! Rose gold is basically one of my favourite colours haha! And yes, watches instantly add an element of sophistication and elegance to a look like no other accessory!

  3. Great post. Love your watch!
    Good vibes, FOX
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