The Perfect Peach Pout.

Rimmel lasting finish kate moss lipstick 32 peach review
I've realized that lately, the makeup industry has become very explorative and accepting of colours. Whether it be for eyeshadow, blush, lips, and even highlighters, colour has definitely become an aspect of the makeup world that people are now embracing and this does not necessarily only apply for bold colours. I feel that there are now so many variations and options and shades that my brain never knew existed until I actually saw them. Having said that, the more I become aware of the many options, the more I feel the need to add shades to my collection that I never knew I wanted! One of these shades was peach. This colour has definitely become a favourite among beauty lovers, and so when I realized that I did not have a lipstick in a peach shade, I went immediately on the hunt for it. I finally found what I was looking for thanks to the fabulous diversity that Rimmel offers and so, the Rimmel Lasting Finish by Kate lipstick in the shade "32" gave me exactly what I was looking for.

rimmel kate lipstick review
rimmel kate moss lipstick 32 peach review

"32" is a straight-up peach - not nude and not too orange. The shade is a very soft and pastel peach, making it perfect for a spring/summer look. Also, the lipstick has a candy scent which brings me back to the lollipops that I ate during my childhood! The formula of this lipstick is not matte which I normally go for in Rimmel's matte lipstick range, but the creamy feel and look to this lipstick makes a great combination with the shade as it is a white-based colour, thus making it less prone for an uncomfortable wear. I've really enjoyed wearing this non-matte lip, so much that I'm even contemplating branching out from my matte comfort zone and delving more into the non-matte Rimmel lipsticks!

I am very satisfied with this addition to my collection. Rimmel lipsticks do indeed get the hype and attention it deserves, so I highly recommend checking their products out which you can through - a site that contains a multitude of highly coveted products and at a discounted price!

What do you think of Rimmel lipsticks?


This post is kindly sponsored by
The product is purchased with my own money and all opinions are 100% my own.


  1. Ooooh this looks like the perfect peach! I love a peach lip (especially a cheaper option too!) Right now I am wearing Charlotte Tilbury Sexy Sienna all the time (which is far from cheap) So I will be having a look out for this next time I am in boots :)

    Erin || MakeErinOver

    1. Ooh I love that Charlotte Tilbury shade! But yes, you can never go wrong with a drugstore alternative!
      I'm glad I helped! :)

  2. Glad you seem to love them, Dena. I heard Rimmer do amazing Nude lipstick, so, no wonder they excel this one too ;) True about the part of being more experimenting, more unique shades are starting to pop up on more affordable makeups.

    Selene Addicted

    1. Yes! I am totally appreciating that the drugstore is venturing into more unique shades as I am an avid fan of colourful lips!
