Making the Most Out of Your Makeup.

blush bronzer eyeshadow highlighter makeup muli use bite beauty multistick  nars multiple
Whether you're a minimalist, a frequent traveler, or just someone who enjoys making the most out of your makeup, it can be quite handy to opt for makeup products that can be multi-use. Buying multi-purpose products or even using a single-purpose product in more than one way, can really expand your options and provide versatility to your makeup collection. So, today I am sharing with you how you can get the maximum use out of your products, regardless of what the label tells you to do.

rimmel kate sculpting kit golden bronze physician's formula shimmer strips eyeliner customFirstly, a contour-blush-bronzer kit like this Rimmel one (review here), is a perfect product as it contains 3 uses contained as a single unit. You can, however, add a fourth use by using the shades as eyeshadow: a matte brown for the crease plus shimmery shades for the lid! Also, you can even work the other way around by using eyeshadows as highlighters or blush. An example of this is the Too Faced Nikkie Tutorials' The Power of Makeup palette where Nikkie included the eyeshadow from the Chocolate Bar Palette and used it as a highlighter in her palette. Powders are in essence all the same, so you can use it in multiple ways. Also, eyeliners, especially coloured ones, can be a great multi-use product: in addition to using it as eyeliner, you can use it as a pencil eyeshadow. In fact, depending on the shade, I also sometimes use coloured eyeliner such as silver for the inner corner and brow bone.

So far I've mentioned products that are meant for one thing, but using them in more ways than its intended use. There are products, however, that are designed to be multi-use; there's recently been many brands that realize the convenience and practicality of this concept, demonstrated by Bite Beauty's multistick for eyes, cheeks, and lips; or Nars' Multiple Sticks, just to name a couple. One of my favourites is the Physician's Formula Shimmer Strips Custom Bronzer, Blush & Eyeshadow (in 'Vegas Strip'), which as the name suggests, can be used for bronzer, blush, and eyeshadow (and highlighter!). Not only that, but as this has multiple shades, it provides you with multiple eyeshadows, thereby extending your selection of colours.

I hope this post has offered you interesting insight in how to utilize your makeup in ways that you might not have thought of. Please share your interesting ways in how you like to multi-use your products! 



  1. I often find myself using other powder products as an eyeshadow especially when I forget to bring some or when I'm in a rush. I definitely wanna pick up that Physicians Formula Shimmer Strips, each shade is so beautiful!
    Kathy x

    1. Yes it's so convenient to do that!
      Their shimmer strips really are so pretty!

  2. I love this post! I've been doing this lately for the sake of finishing up my stash. Other than eyeshadow, I also use Too Faced Eye Shadow Primer in Candlelight & white eyeliner pencil as highlighter ;)

    Selene Addicted

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed this! Thanks for sharing your trick; that sounds amazing!

  3. This is a great post! I also like to use bronzer/contour as eyeshadow. It especially comes in handy when I'm travelling.. I don't bring more than I need to with me!

    Nicole | The Glam Surge

    1. Thank you Nicole! And I totally agree. I'm definitely a light packer so using products for multiple uses really comes in handy!

  4. I often use my bronzer and highlighter as eyeshadows especially when Im in a rush.
