The Perfect Personalized Gift for Valentine's Day.

valentines day gift perfume fragrance

Valentine's Day is just around the corner which means the time for gift-hunting, either for your loved one or even to just treat yourself. A gift that can't go wrong is one that is uniquely personal and customized for the specific person or for yourself. Having said that, a fragrance is a beautiful luxurious gift. So, why not combine the two - a customized perfume!

valentines day gift perfume fragrance

A while back, I created my own customized perfume through my collaboration with which I still use every single day. The experience of creating my custom perfume was so memorable and fun for me that I invite you all to join in! It's super easy and fun - all you need to do is input your already favourite perfumes so that the system gets an idea of what scents and notes you like. Then, you simply select which complementary notes are your favourites to put together to create your perfect scent! Afterwards, you receive a package of 3 sample perfumes so you then can order a full size of your favourite!

I also have a 10% off discount code* for your purchase: perfume10 
I hope you all check it out to create your perfect perfume! Happy Valentine's Day!


*Affiliate code.


  1. Oh my I really love this.. so so classy and gorgeous!

    Beckie // The Pale Tails

    1. Thank you! A custom perfume really is the perfect thoughtful gift!
